That's how you live, you live and do not know that most suits you.
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Respectable and the beautiful country of green meadows and romantic stories. |
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That's how you live, you live and do not know that most suits you.
Congratulations! . |
Respectable and the beautiful country of green meadows and romantic stories. |
Take the test. |
There were two strategies: always first or always the last. 'Always first' more suited to major players competing for first hand. Then a large number of players can hope that the winning bid is less than half of the Kohn. Then, on the theory of probability first stuffing immediately displays a plus: half eagle coins everyone falls. However, this theory should be multiplied by the skill of the player: not always half the coins falling eagle, eagle not always fallen to half of the highest dignity - to stay up a penny at a high rate do not want anyone. So what 'is always the first' good players and played stupid but rich.
'Always the last ' was not always last. This option was to rate a penny, and the hope that before your turn comes to the number of coins nevybityh more than a penny. Good strategy for beginners. Sometimes in the company of 5-6 people put three pennies on 1-2 and then 'stone -paper-scissors ' determined the sequence of each cue. Often the strategy used and losers in the dust, pulling out his last penny, issued by the mother on the cake in the cafeteria.
But experienced players used this strategy with a small number of players and the participation of the rich and stupid. When one enters the ruble is a trifle, and you put a penny, and all of 2-3 players - the chances of your winning is very high. It is only important to evaluate the behavior of the enemy and to guess the exact moment of high rates.
The most interesting battle, of course, were in the top league: between those who could knock the whole pot in one visit, who had hidden in his pocket and feel defined buduyuschuyu rate - not to see the contenders. It was a battle of nerves, not coins. Sometimes, when winning the bet, the player will lose everything on the lottery - failure here often stood over his shoulder looking at the tense faces of schoolchildren.
Not to say that I was very lucky. But I'm stubborn. From a certain point I began to win consistently and even run up to the times when I refused to play with. Nevertheless, I managed to save the game in 3 fabulous capital with something rubles ( then worth the bread 16 cents ). Capital I hid wrapped in foil in the bedside table - so he and his mother was once found.
I stopped playing and gave his word of honor of his classroom one day found me in the yard for the raffle. She, in turn, promised not to tell mother and kept his word. I kept his coin, and more in not playing. never. But I played in the secular - this outdoor version of Poker. Where as the more unfortunate. And stopped, realizing that just does not stretch out the game on the nerves - my opponents can easily read and pass on the high cards in my winning when I was bluffing or had low cards.
I threw the game early, because in the end and did not understand its charm. In the end, I was not pulling bet on slot machines, sit down at the green cloth, or throw a chip on the roulette box. Do not pull all. I do not understand why. Perhaps the business - it's much more fun game. And the higher rates there will be.
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Stick Volkswagen USB Sound and Light Memory Stick is a charming set of drives, which may not be as useful as entertaining. The new devices are designed as miniature machines of various Volkswagen models - trucks green or red and blue or pink cars.
Description of flash drives are not full of technical details, but you know that when you connect to the USB- port, they are flashing lights and emit the sound of the engine. It is unclear why the manufacturer limited capacity models only 256 megs, pretty ridiculous amount of currently. However, the cost of the new drives can not be called low - 20 pounds, or nearly $ 40. Each drive is equipped with a USB-cable extender.
Price: $ 40.
1) Actual sites. trend sites.
The easiest way is: to catch the event and make it a site of. I personally do not do so, but from various friends I have accumulated for four of the site, two are devoted to one way or another presidential election, one more - the youth series, one more - the popular reality show.
The content on these sites can be kopipastnym or The copyright - it is not so important. It is important to put the forum, strip comments, make a few posts from the public seed. The rest of the people of unique content itself cluttered.
Disadvantages of this site, with the fall of urgency and a piled zasrannosti site may fall out of the index. That is what happened as a result of the Internet sites of Elections. If the relevance of the mark, and attendance is quite decent, comments somehow clean and stock information - the site will live on.
In my opinion the most promising niche here - new movies, soap operas, talk shows. You can also prepare the site to key world events like the World Cup or the Olympics in Sochi or London. Collect biography, a few articles to add some discussion - this site and prepared.
2) Sites, Magazines.
One of the most widely practiced of options under the Senior Officials glanders. T. e. the site visit and demand, but almost entirely monetized sap, as the proper context of the material does not give effect.
A distinctive feature of these sites: high-quality three-column design. The word quality mean ' thought '. Content The copyright in part, but there may be links to kopipastnye. Of course, welcome comments and forum.
Also at such sites often make reference entities or stores, posters and event m. n. It is clear that there is practically only kopipastnaya Information. Zest and in providing information about the publisher - it contains the address and phone number, giving the site area.
The survival of such sites in many respects depends on the attendance of a resource. Yandex well see what sites are visited (such as through Yandex Bar ). So if the resource is a long time actively visited by users, it is held in the index even when the copy-paste. But I would still relied on a rare copy-paste, or copyright.
Especially good are live sites in niches in demand by the general public holidays, cars, moms and house a family, fashion. Another welcome to the narrow niches The copyright content. More common projects, such as city portals are always on the brink of their life is always dependent on more factors than that described here.
Mass production of these magazines are no better than the mass production of satellites and ends about the same. This we learned from the great farm. But 3.5 is quite possible to pick up sites for two months without any risk.
3) Mini- Sites. Corporate websites.
Much has been written about them. Supervyzhivaemost a single- site - they fly into the index, even in the absence of content - you can just put the address block and a couple of pictures. But the commercial value of such sites is small (although the click through Adsense, for example, off scale ). Therefore, one-page sites can be used as an opportunity to stand for the domain, a region, and perhaps even a category in the UC.
Lower survival in sites with the number of pages less than 10 and less than 30. But less - in mass production. Do not quite understand how it chukha Yandex, but a pack of 15 and 5 sites flew with a bang, and the next packet in 7 sites flew and flew out - the good old tradition survived only one site. Conversation with Plato gave no results yet, build quality reference - also. We look forward to -. There is also another example of mass production of such sites - from nearly two hundred lively 60. Not a bad result for govnosaytov, but worth minisite would expect other figures - around 80-90%.
All are built on a minisite primitive technology: home, services, contacts. Plus a few bonus pages. Further growth is due and the catalog is done after entering and settling in the index.
Mainly due to the monetization of sap and lieksa. But these sites are well taken in the new-fangled and miralinks gogetlinks. Moreover, these sites are easy to pump up tITs10 and a good place in the regional tops. The costs - in the region 300-1000 rubles per month per site. Profit - the target rate of traffic that is monetized by Adsense, or directly to customers (if such can be found ). Sometimes a good site can be a good idea to sell the interests of the company. The price may reach several tens of thousands of rubles.
4) Magazines and catalogs.
The main feature - the filling in a detailed catalog. Good description with a touch of originality will make your site almost perpetual. Short and kopipastnye description natyrennye of electronic databases, sooner or later lead to a ban or AGS.
For example, the. Store-X. on the second day was the index. Yandex now see on the site a hundred and fifty pages - two apa (t. e. Almost all items ). There are other examples where the site is fully indexed with a great description but kopipastnymi 2-3 apa.
I guess that a good standing in the index stores due to the fact that rarely can figure out who the manufacturer for the content descriptions product. Therefore, some sites trust, the rest just sit in the index, just in case.
It is recommended to pump stores a reference. Can be used as an exchange ksap - take a thousand links to different sections and you can even products. Costs funny, but the effect is excellent - the traffic starts to flow after a week or two by product name.
Zasrannost sap causes these sites to the AGS. To avoid this - increase the catalog, make great descriptions and build a reference to the growth of revenues from sap.
Yes! . Very nice fit different MLM programs - to find a representative of any Amway or quite simply edelstar. You can zamarachivatsya trips to shops, local shops equipment. Yes, in general, anything that has a real footing.
5 ) Board and the social sphere.
These sites are always at risk. I have experienced several waves when taxiing down the board, and then disappeared altogether from the index, then came back to the index, and almost immediately came under the AGS. So here it is difficult to give any advice.
The easiest way to - to put a moving and fill several hundred ads for seed. A little pump, or a reference to the local forums propiaritsya. Then go a little traffic and with it - voluntary posters. Board will begin to live my life, and grow your site index.
On the social sphere is exactly the same story. The main thing - propiarit system, and then watch as it zaspamlivayut anonymous aides.
Of course, I've not painted as a set and how Motor. What are filters in place for the purchase of Sapa, and m. n. But in my opinion this is not required. Under each section, you can easily naguglit descriptions of engines. A filter for the purchase are the same everywhere - take the third level on the subject site and you will be happy.
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Following the fashion for all the tiny, beautiful, but the performance, the developers of ASUS has recently introduced a new model of public stylish desktop computer, and on the compatibility of universal entertainment center, ASUS Mini PC Nova Lite PX24. With its modern design, this PC boasts the status of the world's smallest PC with discrete graphics. In addition, ASUS engineers successfully placed in the device -level acoustic Hi-Fi, as well as an improved cooling system, making your PC virtually silent.
According to reports, when connected to a TV Nova Lite PX24 provides a picture with a resolution 1080i/1080p. In addition, there are connectors HDMI / DVI. The user can choose how best to put a PC on a desk or bedside table - horizontally or vertically. Benefits of completing a series of new OS preinstalled Microsoft Vista Home Premium, with its ...
Order: ...
Manipulation: ' Bob! . '.
Manipulation can be divided on the point of application of forces: the strong hand, the weaknesses and the illusion.
The simplest technique is the pressure on the weak spots of object. So use this technique even children. This method requires some knowledge about the object. This makes it impossible to use it immediately, as any manipulation. But there is always a general weaknesses associated with public morals, education, environment, which can be described as synonymous pairs: ' female beauty ', ' male power ', ' man -host ', ' man - defender '. However, the use of such simple pairs too wiped to a certain point ceases to operate if a person does not sklerotik. Therefore, for a more subtle manipulation is worth your time and explore your object better.
Reflective collect information about the object is in the family. Weaknesses in everyday communication and annoying so it's best to remember. My mother remembers that my son - twit wrote his wife that her husband did not score a couple of nails to hang a picture that I had to call for the elimination of petty plumbing leaks that a holiday drunk and spent the weekend ' sick '. Less reflective remember that the collection of information is independent of human desires, and therefore the application will be the same. For example, almost everyone was in a situation where the parents remember childhood antics with friends or partner. It is foolish and ashamed. And there is no such manipulation - just burst. But the manipulation, of course, is: here the banal desire to maintain control of the situation shows it is reflexive and the results are usually negative.
Conscious collection of information takes a lot of time and requires care. But the weak and strong, each side gets a label and shelf. Professionally engaged in this, for example, psychologists. Communicating with them, you realize that most of them are not able to help people, but almost all are able to convince him that they had helped. It's funny that they themselves psychologists, at least some believe that this is the cure. Well, leave them alone.
The attack on the weak place is almost always causes irritation. This does not mean that the goal is reached. But the residue left after one day and shoot. Example: a woman knows that her husband works in a little house, and feels guilty about it. It is appealing to its low load (' nichrome still at home you do not do ') makes him do some work (' junk made ', ' go to the store ' and m. n. ). Since any relationship are usually regulated in nature, unscheduled request will be rejected if you do not use manipulation. With manipulation, it will be done, but sooner or later, her husband burst into conflict, or feedback manipulation. Of course, in this case it was possible to apply a more subtle manipulation and get his but without consequences in the form of irritation. But more on that later.
The obvious advantage of the weak through the manipulation of space - there are almost 100% operation. Feelings of guilt and a sense of inferiority - one of the strongest motivating factors. This is perfectly known in closed systems like the army or prison. Zagnobit rights and to achieve absolute obedience with blows to the weak spots quickly and easily. Minus - a possible uprising. But before he even need to live. The result here it is - is already on a platter.
There is hidden, and the greatest danger of this type of manipulation. The relative ease of use makes the result more and more similar to the method, making the critical threshold of the object is reduced, and patience quickly becomes full.
Antithesis of such manipulation is the impact on the vanity. Or as they say, underscore the strengths of object. The complexity of this method lies in the fact that talking good about a person we do not teach. From childhood we are taught to lie and cynical about any direct praise. Therefore, without criticism, we treat only the praise of fools and children. And if praise does not go straight, you can use an indirect.
Indirect praise can go through the results of labor, or by comparison. For example, ' My dear, the picture is so well hung, you could not do the same also in the living room? ' . Galin husband so crookedly hung pictures should be sent to you to learn. '. In the first case of classic praise, drummed into their heads since childhood, when praising your ugly crafts in kindergarten. To resist it is very difficult, and the trick here is not feeling. And to be honest, and waiting, like a lump of sugar ball once brought a sneaker. In the second case, there is criticism, but it flies away, and when someone is bad, we are well: in a relationship can give plus minus - is not like math.
Professional work with the strengths of psychological education issues. If you are fed direct praise, and you ate it and the person who issued it is not an idiot and not a baby, you're dealing with a psychologist or those who are familiar with the theory. It seems that there is even a whole new trend in psychology, when it is necessary to praise the man to cure his complexes. To give direct praise just can not be taken as insincere. But here's a little trick. Peter performed some work and called to the chief.
- Peter, you're just a boy, you're done his job perfectly!.
- Come on, boss - Peter realizes that the boss is now podebet.
- Now you'll get a trip to Muhosransk, where, I hope you show yourself as well - that's podebka.
Now imagine that the boss took courses on personnel management.
- Peter, you're just a boy, you're done his job perfectly!.
- Come on, Chief.
- You really fulfilled it very well. It is recognized by all.
- Wow.
- I have a personal request to you. Now Muhosranske painted a problem.
- Of course, the boss will.
The chain is very simple. 1) This work was good and it is necessary to confirm t. e. fixed strength of the object. 2) Object certain that the work is done well, but doubts disappear only after trustee reports reinforced the secret message ( everyone knows - it is impossible to verify this information ). 3) The problem is applied so that the decision to give the object. As before, the object was removed to a new level of emotional state, the result beyond doubt.
Every asshole in the soul of King Kong: if you give way to a giant ape, it will sweep away everything in its path. This is often used by experienced girl's wide open eyes brought to mind a lot of it is mentally healthy males before. By the way, maybe some of them are doing it quite deliberately.
Consider Apply the manipulation by the strengths of the business. In big companies can afford to professional psychologists, so it is standard to manipulate the situation to the staff in order to establish contractual relations between management and employees. A typical case - a delay of salary. In a small office, if the owner of an idiot - just goes howling and bursting at the office of parts. And in the howling quickly isolate large, and all other work as before, but still protect the public your company.
This is done very simply. First, you need to convey to staff that they are the best in its class. It is unlikely that any employee believes that to fulfill its duties poorly. It captures the strong side. Next message queue trust. Usually it is ' a situation as you can see what '. At this point we can not shed a tear. Then follows a secret message ' but soon, I myself was on the board of directors, we will provide a loan '. The secret - hence, no one confirmed the message and passed on the secret that no one said - that in itself is funny, when it pronounced the team a few tens or even hundreds of people. Well, after that for which all assembled: ...
A friend of mine made an accountant, he worked for free. That's what I understand, the technique.
And what's the problem with small companies? . The relationship of trust it was originally. Therefore, it is very difficult to increase degree of. Secret message in the absence of secrets are almost impossible. Trust may, but will be weaker due to low contrast with the usual. Therefore, in this case podebka looks rough and cynical, and therefore causes a lot of irritation. In fact so often in small offices as there is no discipline of the class.
Remained variant of the illusion. Illusion - a variant of manipulation, based on what is not. T. e. the basis of a made-up problem, and then imposed a series of actions aimed at the solution. Example: you have to make sonny go through the book, therefore, to inform him that my grandmother put into one of them a thousand rubles - will, may take a. The only condition of the book and then put on the shelf. A little exaggerated, but the result is obvious.
Often the problems are far-fetched to manipulate public opinion. So talking about nuclear weapons in Iraq. Weapons and is not found, but the country is in ruins, and the oil concession in the hands of BP.
Let's see how it is applied in the case of delayed wages. Make a simple thing - prove that the workers destroyed company. To do this we need to calculate the efficiency of each employee and poke her nose. Logically, it is clear that the profit - the value of a multifactorial and can not depend only on the individual labor. But when the figures are placed on the table, which clearly shows that Bob - raspizdyay and the volume of orders from him and through him, just down, you feel ashamed Vase. So, it is possible and Vasya on his own to offer, and cut zarplatku.
Illusion - almost always shifting problems on other people's shoulders. It is created out of thin air, but never disappear without consequences. It's like calling an evil spirit - you can call, but to drive them back into the bottle will require considerable effort. So call it just like that - recklessness, which would end badly for you.
How can I apply to the illusion of personal use? . Enough to string up a couple of times and the most piquant moment to stop and go into the kitchen to smoke. The reason for the stop, create a simpler, the possible experiments do not insist - just the idea podkinte. The rest of you make sense of guilt.
Tired of cooking? . I want a car? . Need a new phone? .
Cons illusions - may not work. Either will work, but not so. For the correct operation needed total control, and the ONET is not always possible. And besides, the illusion - it is always an illusion and may be disclosed. And then the losses could be worse than the acquisition of.
And a few words about that, as to resist the manipulations. Actually, a good well- prepared to resist the manipulations can not be. But it is possible to calculate and apply a counter-attack. Counterstrike is output on the relationship vzaimoobyazuyuschie. You are asked to be patient with the salary - you are asking for patience with the appearance of the work on time. All you want to travel to Muhosransk, you ask for a few days of vacation after. Well, t. Dr.. Usually it stops, or manipulation, or transfers it to the usual relationship.
The best way to avoid manipulation - the termination of relations. But this is not always possible. Then we have to limit yourself in communion with the manipulator. If it is - an unattainable luxury, it is possible to apply a simple technique of distraction - focus at the time of the active phase of the manipulation on the other ( reading a document, viewing a form of eye and counting jackdaws ). Another good idea is valid termination. When a stupid and absurd remark or phrase built a replica of torn on the side of it is harmless. My brother once unknowingly did this trick with a cool head when she chided students:.
- That such children and obtained janitors, plumbers. (there is a blow to a weak place - all the children want to be astronauts and firefighters ).
-. and mathematics teachers. ( yuk, manipulation destroyed more hysterical ).
At the end let her post. Here's what's interesting, all the posts on this topic ( power word) are in the top for views, in the best positions on the reviews, but almost never have a comment.
Ksapa, by contrast, began to work a little slower at the output. Application number 11 has not yet been paid. By the way, from time to time I will redeem ksapy Futures prices for those in need. If anything - please contact. With regard to income, they are kept at the level of 20-25 thousand. ksap a day with slight variations. Yes, I forgot: asked to transfer that ksap now provides the ability to create blogs based on avtonapolnyaemyh WP. Those who want to try this, can I ask for an invite and get a 1000 ksapikov to the account during the registration.
In setlinks all the same, after I carried out several projects to install nulevok avtoblogov, the income has fallen from 3 to 2 bucks. 5, so there was. But to spare the 15 bucks a month is not necessary - it is later. In a perfectly running me around stateynikah revenue fell to 0. 8 with both systems. Yes, and FIG them.
As far as the context, all as boring YAN. Lung inflammatory activity in early December was replaced by the current lull in the day. Forecast revenue - around four thousand. rub. That 's ridiculous. Even Begun sometimes shows better results. By the way, soon they 'll. Adsense also dipped slightly. This is just maloobyasnimo. Fall by 30 % compared with the previous month. On the other hand ordered a check. Will, in theory until January 5. That would be New Year's gift.
Come to some quick thoughts on the ban sites. Because they have a lot, all on two aypishnikah, almost always copy-paste, you can make some conclusions.
Bystroban almost one hundred percent under the following conditions:.
1) Young domain ( up to six months ).
2) The book content or copy-paste.
3) Slabonasyschenny site ( t. e. content than almost anything and not).
4) Early glanders. T. e. up -two-three - put glanders.
As a result, under these conditions, up- two-three and the site flies fuck. Moreover, it put the box ' is banned for indexing '. Return the domain can be, at least, I have two or three letters of the domain to Plato, with full copy-paste back in the index.
All this leads to a change in strategy. For example, quite possible the transition from the early domain, and sap the early to late domain- and late- Sapa. Or smoothing literacy content blogovydachey ( avtoblog, wordpress, Dle ). Or complication of a simple engine plug-ins and twists. As before, works well under a common mimicry of good ideas - recently shown to you a mini- vareznik in the index, and even collect a decent attendance (about 100 uniques a day).
Recently I consider the later version of the sap. The word ' sap ' here is nominal in nature, if someone did not understand. No matter what the sponsor, but it kills the early appearance of the domain in Yandex. So now I have intentionally losing money to employ, and to pump more domains, and glanders place only in January and February. It's a shame for their greed, but you have to endure - it is an investment.
The idea has failed so far to Blogun. Of the 26 blogs received only 1. Apparently, because of puzomerok. Fixing and building up. So soon another trickle flow.
From sad - this blog kicked out of the rating Yandex. What is the reason, I do not know. Attendance at me from Yandex does not depend for a long time, but it was nice to know that I am among the best blogs in 1500 kakbe Russia. Yasha is now like a monkey with a grenade - sometimes even scary to give him a draft for indexing. The other day he was again deprived of a top draft index, and before the other top-end project. Reason one - kakbe neunik. Never mind that the projects are already several years that they are of interest to its visitors (who in t. h. themselves create the content of these sites ) - even now there is no master page in the index. To be honest, I do not understand. Home - page is at least a return!.
And at the end of reading the question - and whether to give money for the mailing RSS2Email announcement about the blog? .
How many times have you heard from friends (and / or relatives ): ' I do not forbid it, but there must be some kind of framework. ' And how many times clashed with the ' yes do what you want, but do not forget that. 'And the hands themselves are omitted.
At such moments, I want to do out of spite. Just to prove the existence of their own will. So what? . If you 'll get something - it 's no honor, mild sniffing in the back and all ( ' would have done in my opinion, and the trees would have been higher, and the thickness of the guerrillas '). If you lose - ' ah-ah -ah! .
What to do? . We must do nothing. Just like that. They call on the slalom - choose ascent to Mount Everest. Do what you do not expect to. break stereotypes.
Those who put limits - the so-called bureaucratic elite - live in a world of fences put up by years. They have only one way to achieve the goal - their own. The presence of free will and the experience of others to only scare. And nothing but the present bureaucratic elite is confident that his experience in the most correct and worthy to be widespread, at least in its environment.
Nomenklatura to resist the sense. It just does not understand what he trying to thwart. It's like an elephant to explain that it is absurd to trample on the lawn - the elephant is still held by him to his food bowl. The only way to - failure. Give the nomenklatura to give up on you and leave alone. Let him live in peace. And you will live.
And everyone will be happy.
The successful placement of a. Be2Me. There are vacant seats:.
-. Blog about stress. (138 podpischiskov ) - link. 5 cents a day. ,.
-. Blog Shtolmana. (54 subscribers ) - link description,. 2 cents a day. ,.
-. SEO Consultant. (92 subscribers ) - link description,. 3 cents a day. ,.
-. Blog about design. (21 subscriber) - picture 100x100,. 5 cents a day.
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Guardium, robotic vehicle designed for the Israeli armed forces, will become the world's first automated soldier, officially entered service. Its main purpose - to replace manpower with hazardous operations, which will reduce the number of losses. An operator that manages the machine, may be at a considerable distance from the place of fighting. The robot can be equipped with cameras, night vision devices, various sensors, and automatic firearms. When you set the route and the machine can be moved around the city - she knows how to behave at the crossroads of transportation and can distinguish between the road markings. With a full 360- degree view, the robot can perform patrols and alert operators of emergency situations. Guardium never worries and never sleeps.
Machine control panel includes two large display and joystick. According to John Pike (John Pike), Director Globalsecurity. org, development company, today there is only one analog of such a robot - South Korean car patrolling the border with its northern neighbor, this model tape MobileDevice. ru in my time as reported. In addition, John Pike opined that in future wars will be primarily involved robots. The cost of the hardware of each instance is 600 000 dollars, and if you take into account the software, this number may exceed the threshold of one million.
Fujitsu has announced its plans to release a ... Its main feature will be a relatively small weight. As it can be to believe, given its size, because it has a 12.1-inch WXGA- display. The notebook runs on Intel Core 2 Duo SL7100 processor with a clock frequency of 1.2 GHz, RAM is 1 GB and the hard disk capacity is only 80 GB. On the new LifeBook can read and write dual-layer DVD-discs, and get to work on battery 7.5 hours.
In the laptop will be a few USB-ports, PC Card slot and Gigabit Ethernet port. More detailed information about the hardware on laptop Fujitsu does not disclose. Work will be new operating system Microsoft Windows Vista Business. A laptop with this configuration can not be classified as «hi-end». But in this case it is not clear for what will have to pay $ 2600 U.S.?.
Price: $ 2600.
Great idea - to know how much free space is left on the flash drive, without connecting to a computer to check. In the market of USB flash drives flash drives have already appeared, signaling to the owner of the ending location on the disk. The concept seems to have become popular. Now we can see the concept of a new drive in the form of dominoes Domino USB flash drive from the Brazilian designer Marcos Breder (Marcos Breder).
Number of points shows the new drive to its owner, how many gigabytes of free memory on the disk. Each white dot on the drive means gigabytes of free memory. Updating the location of the points occurs every time you download data on the drive. Pretty convenient, especially for owners of multiple drives - you can determine which of them to record information at a glance. So far, the idea remains just a concept, the date of commencement of these drives were announced not.
Phone IOCELL, of course, is more suitable for safe houses and spy organizations than for home use, but to ignore such a device we can not. The device is equipped with a hard drive, which records all phone calls, after which they can selectively listen to.
Audio track recorded calls can then be sent via the Internet or to transfer to USB-drive. As long as you communicate, the background can quietly play nice music, the user sets itself.
AMD has announced the release of the avant-garde product FireStream 9170, which implements the idea of demanding computing means the graphics processor (GPU). According to the press service of the company, a new solution that meets the demands of the high-performance computing systems, embodied experience in the development of AMD CPU and GPU.
AMD FireStream 9170 is a graphics accelerator based on a chip with 320 stream pipelines, made of 55- nm technology. Obvious analogy with the chip RV670, the basis of game of Radeon HD 3870/3850, which will appear in the middle of this month. For the operating frequency of the core specified FireStream 9170 range from 775 to 800 MHz. The new motherboard equipped with 2 GB of GDDR3 memory with an asynchronous direct access (DMA), is compatible with PCI Express graphics interface 2. 0 and consumes less than 150W. For a system with a computational accelerator FireStream 9170 is recommended to use the power supply capacity of 500 watts. According to AMD, provided payment is characterized by an extremely high ratio of performance per watt.
The developers of a new product called the industry's first accelerator double-precision floating-point, which is important for scientific and engineering calculations. Features FireStream 9170 can deal with the processing of seismic data, financial and engineering analysis, genetic studies, physical and chemical calculations, rendering, video editing, etc. Dr.. It should be noted that the performance of one card is comparable to the speed of supercomputers, and some can reach 500 GFLOPS. This is a reminder of the high computing power of the GPU and the latest generation need to expand the scope of the video game.
A new computational accelerator from AMD will be available in the first quarter of 2008. Suggested retail price is $ 1999. Simultaneously with the entry FireStream 9170 is expected to release an appropriate set of tools for developers FireStream SDK.
3dnews. ru.
Ability to determine your location is an extremely useful and sometimes vital function. GPS-navigator CME-GP3700, created by CeoMate, to easily determine the coordinates of the point and displays your location on a map through the built-in 3.5-inch high quality display. 20-channel GPS-module, and a sensitive antenna provides unmatched accuracy in calculating the coordinates.
The device operates on 400 MHz processor, Samsung, and as the memory used by high-speed NAND- ins - it is this combination of components allows for minimal power consumption, which ensures high performance. To store content used SD-card memory. That users did not have difficulties with development of functional, developers have created CeoMate intuitive menu with icons. View the card is in 3D- graphics mode with the release of critical facilities.
To synchronize with a desktop computer and upload maps present USB-port. Powered navigator running Windows CE operating system 4. 2, and in addition to basic functions is capable of playing audio and video clips, show images and files to open e-book. Included with the GP3700 comes SD-card of 1 GB and a set of software for navigation. As an option you can order the installation of FM-radio module. The cost of the device with the ability to purchase in Russia: 7147 rubles.
mobiledevice. ru.