Herrie. (translated from German means ... What is it good for? . In. MOC. structure is used the file manager: to the left column of navigating the file system, right - the song playlist. Turn the interface. MOC. 90 degrees and you get. Herrie. :) This arrangement is useful primarily to the fact that the long file names are readable. The player is constantly being improved and the latest versions are made frequently. Setting the standard in the repository:.
sudo aptitude install herrie.
by default. herrie. starts in the mode of. party mode. In this case, all the songs are played in order of sequence in the playlist, after playing the song from the list of retreats. XMMS mode. differs from the above that the songs are not removed from the playlist, you can also run key. x. any composition.
Navigating the directory by using the arrows:.
to the right. - Move to the selected directory.
to the left. - back.
Tab. - Switch the focus from the playlist / file browser.
q. - Output.
The following is a list of the most popular teams:.
R. - Line up the songs in random order.
A. - Add an element to the end of the list.
b. - Go to the next song.
c. - Pause / Play.
r. - Enable / Disable the repeat mode. If the option is enabled, play a song will move to the end of the list.
v. - Stop.
w. - Save the current playlist to a file.
x. - If the active XMMS mode, will start the selected track. In party mode play will begin with the first song playlist.
z. - Go to previous song.
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